This is Chearsley
Welcome to Chearsley, a small village located in the Vale of Aylesbury between Aylesbury and Thame.
This site provides an introduction and guide to the village, its vibrant community, its long interesting history and details of what's on.
Parish Council Elections 1 May 2025
Elections for Chearsley Parish Council, will take place on 1 May 2025, along with other local elections across the County.
All seven of our current Parish Councillors will stand down and those wishing to continue in office will have to stand for re-election, along with anyone else wishing to serve on the Council.
Most members of the current Council have indicated that they do not intend to stand for re-election. This means that Chearsley will require new Parish Councillors in May.
Information for anyone considering standing for election:
- Timetable for the elections. Including nomination dates and other important information.
- Nomination papers for Parish Council elections
- More details of qualifications needed to be a Councillor, the work of the Council and why new volunteers are needed
- Electoral Commission Guidance for Candidates at Parish council elections in England
Latest News and Village Diary
Q&A Session for Potential new Parish Councillors. Thursday 13 March 7.30pm Village Hall. A chance for anyone considering standing as a Parish Councillor in the upcoming elections to chat informally to existing members of the Parish Council.
Litter Pick. Thursday 13 March 10.00am at The Green. Come along to help clear up and cheer up our village! Coffee and Cake for volunteers after at The Bell (for more details see Chearsley News 4 March)
Annual Village Meeting. Monday 17 March 7.00pm Village Hall. This annual event is an opportunity to hear about the many groups that are active in the village and what they have been doing over the last year, plus voice any questions, concerns or plaudits you may have about our village. Free refreshments available. See the Agenda and Parish Council Report (Note: no Parish Council meeting in March - next one is Tuesday 22 April)
Church History Day. Sunday 23 March 2.00 - 4.00pm St Nicholas Church. A fascinating array of old church records will be on display, along with lots more information about the history of our beautiful church.
Anaerobic Biodigester in Long Crendon. Read about this proposed methane generation plant, and why Chearsley and other local Parish Councils are opposing the scheme, here.
Don't forget to check out what Sharon and her team have lined up for you at our fantastic village pub The Bell, plus the delicious produce that Rose has waiting at Rose Dale's organic farm
Main sections and frequently visited pages.
Full details of the work of Chearsley Parish Council.
Including recent Minutes, Meeting Dates and Useful Links.
including a
Map and Street Directory plus Whats On, Clubs & Societies, Regular Events, Village & Local Services
The Village Trust provides financial grants to individuals and organisations in Chearsley
Learn more about the history of our village and it surroundings at Chearsley Village Historic Society.
Regular meetings, all welcome.
Join a welcoming group of women at Chearsley WI
For details of Chearsley Businesses, including The Bell pub, CHUF Pre-School, Organic Farm Shop and the Village Business Directory
Other village websites
Information, news and what's on at our beautiful 11th Century church.
If you would like to play, officiate, help in some other way or just watch, Chearsley Cricket Club would love to hear from you.
See also Classic & Vintage Car show
For information about the Village Hall and how to book it go to Chearsley Village Hall
For news of upcoming and recent events, plus many links to other useful information, try out the Chearsley BlogSpot
See also Chearsley News and Facebook Page in Village Information
The Bell is at the centre of many village activities and events. A warm welcome awaits all who walk through the door
Something Missing?
If you have a group or regular activity in the village you would like to promote on this website, please contact us at [email protected]